Recently I have red something about American accent.
For a start Accent is a combination of three main components: intonation (speech music), liaisons (word connections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations)
And this parts seemed interesting to me:
“Many people equate accent with pronunciation. I don’t feel this to be true at all. America is a big country, and while the pronunciation varies from the East Coast to the West Coast, from the southern to the northern states, two components that are uniquely American stay basically the same — the speech music, or intonation, and the word connections or liaisons.”
“Every language is equally valid or good, so every accent is good. The average American, however, truly does have a hard time understanding a non-standard accent. George Bernard Shaw said that the English and Americans are two people divided by the same language! Some students learn to overpronounce English because they naturally want to say the word as it is written. Too often an English teacher may allow this, perhaps thinking that colloquial American English is unsophisticated, unrefined, or even incorrect. Not so at all! Just as you don’t say the T in “listen,” the TT in “better” is pronounced D, [ bedder]. Any other pronunciation will sound foreign, strange, wrong, or different to a native speaker.”
I often watch American films and I like listen to speech of the actors.
I hope one day I can sound the same.